
of use

These terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions") constitute a contract between you ("User") and Interwelt Global Traveler Assistance in connection with the services offered through the website (the "Portal") or otherwise, and User is bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1. Uses and Services.

Interwelt World Travel Assistance provides the User with a free assistance quotation service, showing the characteristics of different services and products, allowing the User to choose the product that best suits his/her needs.

For a better service, the User will be contacted by telephone by a sales executive who will advise him/her in the quotation process.

These Terms and Conditions set forth the rights and obligations arising for Interwelt Worldwide Travel Assistance and the User, for the use of the Services.

The User must read, understand and accept all the provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions and other policies and regulations supplementing the same, prior to making use of the Portal and the Services.

2. Any person who does not accept these terms and conditions in full, which are of a mandatory and binding nature, must refrain from using the portal and the services.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the User declares to have been informed in a clear, comprehensible and unambiguous manner of the Terms and Conditions, to have had the possibility to store and print them. Interwelt maintains an updated version of the Terms and Conditions on the Portal so that the User can consult them at any time.

Also, by accepting the Terms and Conditions, you represent that you have been informed and know your rights as a Holder of your personal data, which are set out below (art. 8 of Law 1581 of 2012) Colombian legislation where the company is registered under the legal registration of Grupo Houten S.A.S:

  • To know, update and rectify their personal data against the data controllers or data processors. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading data, or data whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  • Request proof of the authorization granted to the Data Controller, except when expressly exempted as a requirement for the Processing, in accordance with the provisions of the Processing, in accordance with the provisions of article 10 of this law.
  • Be informed by the Data Controller or the Data Processor, upon request, regarding the use that has been made of their personal data.
  • File complaints before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of this law and other rules that modify, add or supplement it.
  • To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect the constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees. The revocation and/or deletion shall proceed when the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce has determined that the data controller or processor has engaged in conduct contrary to this law and the Constitution.
  • Access free of charge to their personal data that have been subject to Processing.

3. Privacy Policy.

To provide our services, it will be necessary to collect and use the personal data of users. In view of the foregoing, the privacy policies of Interwelt worldwide travel assistance are set forth below.

4. Declaración

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance is concerned about the protection of User's personal data. Your right to make informed decisions regarding the use of your information is very important to Interwelt worldwide travel assistance. This privacy policy explains the collection, use, storage, communication and protection of personal data.

The User guarantees and is responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the data entered. Interwelt worldwide travel assistance is not responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by the User.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance reserves the right to request any additional proof and/or data in order to corroborate the veracity of such data, as well as to use various means to identify the User and to review or verify the veracity of the information provided.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance may confirm the personal data provided by contacting public entities, specialized companies or credit bureaus, for which the User expressly authorizes Interwelt. The information obtained from these entities shall be treated confidentially.

The user may always ask Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to update, modify, rectify and/or cancel his personal data and the exercise of the rights provided by the laws of each country of purchase on the subject. The above through the procedure indicated in letter "f" of these policies.

5. Authorization for the processing of personal data.

The holders of personal data authorize Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to process their personal data under the conditions set forth in this privacy policy.

  • The Users authorize that the information provided, at the time of using the Portal, be processed and communicated by Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to the Companies, together with the other information indicated in this Privacy Policy clause, so that the User may be contacted by Interwelt and thus complete the request and contracting of the services quoted.
  • Likewise, the User authorizes Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to contact him/her, through any of the means indicated by the User when entering his/her data in the Portal or by any other means, in order to: (i) advise and guide him/her in the quotation of the products, (ii) survey him/her on the quality of the Service, (iii) verify the effectiveness of the contracting of the selected product, (iv) other relevant purposes.
  • In the event that the user completes a satisfaction survey, following the purchase and/or use of the product, in accordance with letter "e" of these privacy policies, the user consents and authorizes Interwelt worldwide traveler assistance to publish full name, evaluation and comments on its web portal.

6. Collection and Processing of Personal Data.

The type of information we collect will depend on how users use our Products.

  • Travel Assistance Purchase: The required data is as follows:
  • Full name
  • Age
  • Email address
  • Full Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender

Why do we collect this data?

The age is requested in order to provide quotes according to the user, this data will vary prices and results shown on the portal. The full name is required to publish, in our web portal, part of the content of the satisfaction survey that the user voluntarily performs. The email address is requested to contact the user if necessary and to send the voucher associated with the contracted assistance. The rest of the data indicated are requested and collected for the purpose of issuing the travel voucher.

  • 1. Email address.
Why do we collect only your email address?

We ask for your email to identify you as a user and then we can offer you promotions and news.

  • 2. Automatic Storage

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance automatically stores User data, for example, when you contact Interwelt worldwide travel assistance either in person or by answering questions by e-mail, through the Web Portal chat or by telephone.

In addition, Interwelt worldwide travel assistance may collect information when the User visits the Portal. This information may be the IP address of the computer, information about the operating system and browser used, the site from which the User came to the Portal or the time and date of your visit and activity, this only for purposes of system administration and security, for which the user expressly authorizes Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to proceed as indicated.

Moreover, the website uses cookies in order to analyze the use made by users of the website and in order to make navigation easier. A cookie is a small file that is sent to the user's computer each time the user visits the portal. Interwelt worldwide travel assistance uses Google Analytics, Google's web analytics service. Users can set their browser to block all cookies. In this case, the user may not be able to access the full functionality of the website.

Children and adolescents who are minors may be users of the products and services we offer, as long as they act through or duly authorized by their parents or by those who have parental authority over the minor.

We will ensure the proper use of personal data of children and adolescents under age, ensuring that the processing of their data respects their best interests, and their fundamental rights and, as far as possible, taking into account their opinion, as holders of their personal data.

The Portal uses Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service provided by Google. This tool uses "cookies", files that are stored in the User's browser to collect general information about the way the User uses the Portal: pages visited, time spent on the Portal, age, gender, etc.

The information generated by the aforementioned cookies about the User's behavior, as well as their IP addresses, is transmitted by the browser to Google servers in the USA and other countries. On behalf of Interwelt, Google will use this information for the purpose of generating reports on the activity occurring on the Portal, also offering additional services for user behavior.

IP addresses collected by Google Analytics will not be associated with other information Google may have stored in other services. All information collected is general and does not allow to carry out a personal identification of the User.

If the User so wishes, he/she can voluntarily eliminate the use of information storage cookies at any time, through the configuration of his/her browser. Please note that this may result in the Portal not functioning to its full potential.

7. The User agrees and authorizes Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to use a tracking system through the use of cookies.

Additionally, the User may stop the transmission of information through cookies by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (

8. Purpose of Personal Data Processing.

The User's personal data will be used for the following purposes:

  • Communication to the sales area to finalize the purchase process.
  • Contact the User in order to inform you by various means (email, phone call, text message) services and products that Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to the traveler may be of interest to the User.
  • Perform marketing and behavioral samples of Users, internally within Interwelt worldwide travel assistance.
  • Sending advertising or informational e-mails.
  • Conducting satisfaction surveys on the services provided, the results of which may be published on the Interwelt worldwide travel assistance web portal. The above in accordance with letter "b numeral "iv" of these privacy policies, retaining the user the right to object to the use of their personal data for advertising purposes.

a) Responsible for the attention of requests, queries and claims:

The area responsible before which the Holder of the information may exercise his/her rights to know, update, rectify and delete the data and revoke the authorization will be the Customer Service area. The contact details are:


Telephone: CO + (57) 13819511

CR + (506) 40010383

PA + (507) 8317071

PA + (507) 8306419

VE + (58) 2122640946

b) Procedures for exercising your rights:

The User may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete information, as well as revoke authorization, by writing to info@interwelt-, indicating their request. For these purposes the following procedures will be followed:

c) Procedure for submitting queries

The owners, authorized persons or assignees may consult their personal information contained in our databases, in which case we will provide them with the requested information, after verification of the legitimacy to submit such request. The consultation will be answered within a maximum term of five (5) business days from the date of receipt of the same. When it is not possible to attend the consultation within such term, the reasons for the delay will be informed, indicating the date on which the consultation will be attended, which in no case may exceed eight (8) working days following the expiration of the first term.

d) Procedure for submitting claims

If the owners, authorized persons or successors in title consider that the information contained in a database should be corrected, updated or deleted, or when they notice that the information contained in the database is not correct, updated or deleted, update or suppression, or when they notice the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in the Regulation, they may file a claim with us, which will be processed under the following rules:

  • Your claim must be made by a request addressed to interwelt, in each of the countries, with your identification, a description of the facts giving rise to the claim, your address, and accompanied by the documents you wish to assert. If the claim is incomplete, we will require you within two (2) days of receipt of the claim to remedy the deficiencies. After thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the request, if you do not submit the required information, we will understand that you have withdrawn the claim.
  • In the event that we are not competent to resolve your claim, we will transfer it to the appropriate person within a maximum of two (2) business days and will inform you in a timely manner.
  • If applicable, once the complete claim has been received, a legend will be included in the database stating "claim in process" and the reason for the claim, within a term not exceeding two (2) business days. Said legend shall be maintained until the claim is decided.
  • The maximum term to address the claim shall be fifteen (15) business days from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to attend the claim within such term, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which your claim will be attended, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.

e) Storage and Communication of Personal Data.

The personal data of our users are stored on internal servers, high security level, from which data are downloaded, which the user declares to know, accept and authorize.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance does not sell, transfer or assign users' personal data. User data is only disclosed to companies of the Interwelt worldwide travel assistance group for the sole purpose of internal business analysis. Interwelt worldwide travel assistance, in compliance with applicable law, as in the case of compliance with resolutions or orders issued by judicial or administrative authority, will communicate personal data.

It is important to note that Interwelt worldwide travel assistance will communicate the information necessary to obtain the quotations requested by users. In the case of the travel assistance product, the data is shared so that the sales voucher can be issued.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance may contract with third parties for the provision of certain services, for example, and without the following statement being exhaustive, for

The following is not limited to the analysis and study of data, which will always be done on the basis of anonymized data.In such circumstances, Interwelt worldwide travel assistance will communicate the information to such providers, who must comply with appropriate security measures in order to protect our users' information.

Our site uses Google Analytics and on some pages the Google AMP Client ID API. Both components allow the collection and exchange of information (including personal data) with Google for further use, in order to optimize the web portal of Interwelt worldwide travel assistance by keeping a correct and adequate record of users who visit and browse our server. The user authorizes Interwelt worldwide travel assistance to share the personal information that is stored for the above purpose. For specific information about Google's use of this data and how to control it, please see Google's Privacy Policy.

9. Security Policy.

All communications between users and Interwelt worldwide travel assistance are encrypted by internal security systems following accepted industry standards and providing a high degree of security of the information transferred.

All information stored by Interwelt worldwide travel assistance Interwelt worldwide travel assistance is stored on servers protected by strict security measures.

a) Information Security.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance is committed to make every effort and take preventive and reactive measures to safeguard and protect user information, seeking to maintain the confidentiality, availability and integrity of this.

b) Security Tips.

We consider important to inform you of the existence of a form of electronic fraud known as "Phishing", which aims to steal your personal data through emails, messages or phone calls very convincing that may appear to come from Interwelt worldwide travel assistance or any related company, but are not, requesting data such as usernames, passwords, identity card, among others.

Do not answer e-mails, messages or phone calls requesting personal information, an Interwelt staff member or employee will NEVER ask you for your personal password. Be wary of e-mails whose origin you do not know, which we suggest you do not open and delete immediately. If you read them, we recommend not to open attachments, this is the most common way to contaminate a computer with viruses or malicious software.

In case of doubts or being affected by a fraud, please contact our customer service team through the means of contact established in the Portal.

c) Refund Process.

Interwelt is willing to refund money paid for the purchase of one of our travel assistance plans provided that the following guidelines are met.

  • If a refund request is made within three (3) business days of your purchase and your Interwelt assistance plan has not been in effect, a 100% refund will be made.
  • After three (3) business days following your purchase and before your trip is in effect, a penalty of 30% of the price paid for your travel assistance plan will be applied.
  • Once the contracted plan is in effect, there will be no refund.

Eligibility: The refund of the amount paid for the purchased assistance plan is specifically limited to our e-commerce customers.

Refund Request: The customer must submit a refund request and this must include relevant information such as voucher number, full name, reference and amount to be refunded and a brief description of the reason for the refund.

Verification and Evaluation: Our customer service team will review the refund request and verify the information provided. In case of duplicate payments, evidence of the error, such as duplicate payment vouchers or bank records, will be required.

Reimbursement Processing:

  • Once the refund request has been approved, the Interwelt finance team will process the refund.
  • The refund will be processed using the same payment method that the customer originally used to make the transaction.
  • Bank handling charges and fees associated with the original transaction will be taken into account when calculating the refund amount and will be borne by the party responsible for the cause of the expense incurred.

Time to process the request: one working week from the finance department we will make the refund effective provided that all the required information to proceed is available.

Important: the time to be effective in the applicant's account will be in the processes that your bank handles to receive transfers.

10. General Conditions of Contract.

a) Capacity.
May use the Services and register on the Portal, natural persons who comply with the procedures provided in these.

The Portal and the Services may not be used by minors, persons who do not have the capacity to contract.

b) Declarations of the User. Prohibited Uses.
The User, declares to know and accept expressly that:

  • Interwelt Worldwide Travel Assistance has full freedom to determine the Companies whose products may be compared on the Portal, due to which the User may not request the exclusion of certain brands, goods and services from the Portal.
  • Users may not: (a) manipulate the information contained in the Quotations; (b) associate the content of the Quotes with material or content prohibited by national legislation or international treaties signed and ratified by Colombia, with obscene messages, bad taste, defamatory, contrary to honor, freedom, religious beliefs, respect for ethnic groups and people in general or that in any other way could damage the image of Interwelt worldwide travel assistance, its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates or companies whose products can be compared on the Portal; (c) use the Quotes for purposes other than those covered by the Services.
c) Violations of the System or Databases. Monitoring System.

No action or use of any device, software, or other means to interfere with the activities and operation of Interwelt Worldwide Traveler Assistance or Interwelt Worldwide Traveler Assistance's accounts or databases is permitted. Any interference, attempt or activity in violation of or contrary to intellectual property laws and/or the prohibitions set forth in this Agreement shall give rise to appropriate legal action and penalties as provided in this Agreement and shall make the infringer liable for damages.

d) Intellectual Property.

The programs, as well as the databases, networks, files that allow the User to use the Portal, are the property of Interwelt worldwide travel assistance and are protected by the laws and international treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs. The improper use and reproduction of all or part of them is prohibited, unless expressly authorized in writing by Interwelt worldwide travel assistance. Furthermore, the User is expressly prohibited, in relation to the Portal:

  • Use it for purposes other than those set forth in the Terms and Conditions and in Interwelt's policies on worldwide travel assistance;
  • Make any adaptation or modification to the Portal that may alter the use and/or operation for which it was conceived and which is expressed in these Terms and Conditions or make derivative works thereof; and
  • Perform "black-box" tests, practice reverse engineering or decompilation or use any method or technique to access the source code or elements of the Portal.
e) Limits of warranty.
  • User represents that User will use the Site at User's own risk, which is made available to User on an "as is" basis with all faults and without warranty of any kind and Interwelt World Travel Assistance limits all warranties and conditions in connection with the Site and the Services, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or performance for any purpose. In no event shall Interwelt World Travel Assistance be liable to User, or any other person, for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, consequential damages, lost profits or moral damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, computer failure or malfunction, as well as for any loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, computer failure or malfunction, or for any other loss or damage of any kind, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, computer failure or malfunction of computers, as well as for any other kind of commercial damages or losses, even if Interwelt Worldwide Traveler Assistance has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Interwelt worldwide travel assistance shall not be liable for any loss, actual or perceived, occurring in connection with the use of the Site or the Services.
  • In addition to the Link to websites, the Portal may contain links to other websites which does not indicate that, in either case, such sites are owned or operated by Interwelt worldwide travel assistance. Since Interwelt worldwide travel assistance Online has no control over such sites, it shall never be responsible for the contents, materials, actions and/or services provided by such sites, nor for any damage or loss caused by the use of such sites, whether directly or indirectly.
  • Interwelt worldwide travel assistance does not guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access to and use of the Portal or the Services. The Portal may eventually be unavailable due to technical difficulties or Internet failures or due to any other circumstances beyond Interwelt worldwide travel assistance's control. In the event that the aforementioned technical difficulties have a direct impact on the Quotation delivered to the User, resulting in a difference in the price reported in the Quotation, Interwelt worldwide travel assistance will inform the respective User of its right to pay the difference in price that has been generated, or to request the cancellation of the payment and of the contracting made. Except for the aforementioned exception, the User shall comply with the obligations assumed when accepting the Quotation, without being able to hold Interwelt worldwide travel assistance responsible for any liability whatsoever, nor claim any compensation for any possible damages resulting from the aforementioned difficulties, as well as for any other kind of damages.
  • Interwelt worldwide travel assistance does not guarantee the User any return or benefit whatsoever.
  • Interwelt worldwide travel assistance does not guarantee the User to save money of any kind as the Services only involve making available to the User the Quotes prepared according to the data entered by the User on the Portal in a completely objective and impartial manner without trying to influence the User's decision in any way. Due to the above, the responsibility for the choice of a product by the User falls exclusively on him/her.

11. Release of Liability.

User shall defend and indemnify Interwelt worldwide travel assistance, and its employees and agents from and against any and all claims, judgments, fines, claims, penalties, sanctions, garnishments, and injunctions arising out of:

  • Non-compliance by the User of the intellectual and industrial property laws in relation to the use of the software and equipment necessary for the operation of the Portal and the Services;
  • For non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions and other policies of Interwelt worldwide travel assistance which are understood to be incorporated herein or for the violation of any legislation in force, related to these matters or third party rights.

f) Defense Obligations.

The defense obligations, subject of this clause, shall be effective as soon as Interwelt worldwide traveler assistance and/or its employees and/or agents are notified of any claim or demand and, the indemnification obligations, as soon as Interwelt worldwide traveler assistance is required to make a payment or bear a cost, notwithstanding the existence of pending appeals against the resolution or judgment ordering payment and without prejudice to any restitution that may be due as a result of the favorable ruling of such pending appeals.

g) Limited License.

All intellectual and industrial property rights and any other of similar nature, on the Portal, its functionalities, codes, developments, software, hardware, domain, logos, emblems, logos, designs, structure, content, information, among others, are owned by Interwelt worldwide travel assistance. In no case shall it be understood that the User shall have any kind of right over them.

h) Modifications to the terms and conditions.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance may propose modifications to these Terms and Conditions at any time by notifying Users by e-mail.

i) Information and Communications.

Interwelt worldwide travel assistance will keep the User informed by means of e-mails, announcements or notices that it will make available on the Portal or by means of communications to the address included by the User when registering on the Portal. If you do not wish to receive the aforementioned emails, you may unsubscribe by following the link at the end of each email. In addition, any information or mass communication to be made to users under these Terms and Conditions may be made or disseminated by such means as Interwelt worldwide traveler assistance may determine, including print, television, website, e-mail, postal correspondence or otherwise.

j) Validity of Terms and Conditions

Interwelt worldwide traveler assistance has the right to set terms and conditions as long as they deem necessary. Interwelt worldwide travel assistance shall communicate the termination of the term of this, at least 30 calendar days prior to the date of termination, using for this purpose the means of information and communication established in these Terms and Conditions, respecting the benefits that have already been offered.

k) Validity of the Databases:

The information provided will remain stored for the maximum term necessary to allow compliance with the legal and/or contractual obligations in charge especially in accounting, contractual, fiscal and tax matters or for the time necessary to meet the provisions applicable to the matter in question and the administrative, accounting, tax, legal and historical aspects of the information. The databases will be valid indefinitely, in accordance with the purposes and uses of the information.

l) Documentation.

The User may always store and/or print these Terms and Conditions, and must abide by them in order to use the Portal and the Services.
